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Inquisition means enquiry or the act of asking questions. An inquisitive mind is a
probe-oriented mind. An inquisitive mind probes into issues.
There are four things you should note about asking questions:
1. Wisdom belongs to the inquisitive mind.
2. Those who do not ask questions do not deserve answers. In a classroom, the
teacher does not answer everyone. He answers those who ask questions.
3. Those that are too big to ask are too small to be wise.
4. When you ask the right questions, you get the right answers.
Ecclesiastes 1:13 says, “And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom
concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God
given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.” This is how wisdom is
achieved. A man must be inquisitive to know.
The wise man says, he wanted to find out, to search, to seek wisdom.
What you do not seek after, you are not permitted to find.
In Daniel 2:18, Daniel went to God and enquired of God concerning the dream
of Nebuchadnezzar. There was a death sentence on the head of Daniel and his
colleagues. Then Daniel sought for time. And the Bible says, he enquired of
God. He required of God. He desired of God.
Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael,
and Azariah, his companions: That they would desire mercies of the God of
heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with
the rest of the wise men of Babylon. Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in
a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven. Daniel 2:17-19
For there to be a release upon your spirit, there must be an inquisition upon your
If wisdom is your desire, what do you enquire about, to attain the heights of
1. You enquire about God.
To demand for God to reveal Himself to you is a wisdom way.
What you do not seek after, you are not permitted to find.
In Exodus 33:17-18, Moses said to God, “If I have found favour in your sight,
show me your glory; reveal yourself to me.” Beloved, at the place of prayer, you
can say to God, “Reveal yourself to me.” I want to know you. Paul the Apostle
said in Philippians 3:10, “That I may know him and the power of his
To know God is to know wisdom; for God is the embodiment of wisdom. The
reason many people are living lives without wisdom is that they have no time to
know God. Say to God, “Reveal yourself to me. I want to know you.’ Asking
God to show Himself to you is a way of wisdom.
2. Enquire about the Word of God.
To enquire about the Word of God is to ask God to teach you His Word. Psalms
119:18 says, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of
thy law.” So, every time you carry the Bible, you have the responsibility to ask
God to show you what you have not seen before. And when you know the Word
of God, you must be wise, because the Word of God is the bank of wisdom.
3. Enquire about the purpose of your life.
Nothing brings wisdom like purpose. So, enquire about the purpose of your life.
Ask questions like, “Why am I alive? What is the meaning of my existence?
What am I on earth to achieve? In this season of my life, what is my
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see
what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the
LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables,
that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2:1-2
A purposeless person is a ‘wiseless’ person. Whoever does not live with an aim
is wasting in life. When a person has no purpose for existence, he does not know
the reason why he should do the things he is meant to do. Such a person cannot
live with wisdom. It is wisdom to find out from God what you should do with
your life; what you should do with your time; where your impact will be
registered on earth; what you are on earth to contribute to your generation; the
solution you are on earth to offer. When you pursue such a purpose or vision, the
wisdom to achieve it will be released.
4. Enquire about direction.
It is wisdom to enquire about your direction in life. Learn to say, “Lord, which
way do I go? I am at a junction now”.
In the second Book of Samuel the fifth chapter and the nineteenth verse, David
was surrounded by the Philistines when they heard that he had been anointed
king. So he began to ask God, “Lord, what do I do? Should I pursue this troop?”
And the Lord gave him the answer – “pursue”.
Again in verse 24, David asked God, “Should I pursue this troop?” And God
said, “Do not go after them as you went at other times. Wait until you hear the
going forth on the top of the mulberry trees and then you shall go after them: for
then the Lord has given the enemy into your hands.”
In the first Book of Samuel, chapter thirty, after David had been hit by the
Amalekites, he asked, “Lord, what do I do?” And God said, “Pursue, overtake
and without fail, recover all.”
God speaks to people who think, not people who worry.
Now get this truth: Frustration is the outcome of assumption. Never rush into
anything in life; ask God. Before you get married, ask God, “Is this the right
person?” Before you get into business, ask God. Before you step into that career,
ask God. Frustration is the outcome of assumption. David defeated all those
enemies by one style. He thought he could go by the same style the next time.
But God said, “Do not go the way you went last time. Even though the enemy is
the same, the approach must change now”(paraphrased).
That you did a thing one way and got results at one time, does not mean you will
do it the same way again and again and get the same results. The ways of God
are dynamic.
5. Enquire for solution.
You must learn to enquire for solution to problems, mysteries and puzzles in life.
In Daniel 2:18, Nebuchadnezzar dreamt a dream and he wanted people to
interpret the dream for him. He did not tell them the dream. It was a puzzle. It
was a problem. Daniel decided to enquire for the solution to the puzzle.
You have to enquire about certain puzzles in your life:
Why is it that I have a first class and I cannot get a job? Why is it that I am not
ugly but I cannot get married? Why do I have this challenge even when I am
spiritual? Why is that I have all the qualifications but they could not give me
Why is it that this is recurring in my life?
When you have identified the problems, go for the solution. Begin to enquire of
the Lord, “Lord, what is happening? What do you want me to do? What am I
doing that I am not meant to do? What am I to do that I am not doing? Open my
eyes. Show me. Tell me.”
Please, never feel bad about asking God questions. Those who do not ask
questions do not deserve answers.
There are five good ways to boost your inquisition – five things you can do to
facilitate easy answers from God and from His Word. These are five things you
can do to get direction and solution.
1. Separation
Separate yourself.
If you want to ask God questions, strategic questions; you want to find out
certain things, find a day and lock up yourself somewhere. Take some days,
move out of your environment and seek God’s face. Many times, our lives are
too noisy to receive any answer from God.
When it was time for Ministry, I separated myself from home and from town. I
went into an isolated and quiet area.
You know also that before God could give the Book of Revelation to John the
Beloved, he was on the Island of Patmos separated from everyone else, in
As an individual, at least, each year you must have seven days during which no
one else disturbs you. Within that period you go to God and get direction for
your life. At least, once in a month, you must have some time of separation,
some time when you can ‘intermeddle’ with wisdom.
In the eighteenth chapter of the Book of Proverbs and verse one, the Bible says,
through desire a man separates himself to intermeddle with wisdom.”
Separation assists inquisition.
2. Prayer and fasting
Sometimes, when you want to ask God questions: You want to know more about
Him; you want Him to open your eyes to His Word; you want to find out your
purpose in life and receive direction to move forward; you want solution in
certain areas of your life; you can separate yourself and include fasting and
prayer. You may decide to go without food and water, or take water without
food. That intensifies your desire and opens up your spirit to hear from God and
receive answers from Him.
3. Worship
Worship is an enquiry booster. When you surround that atmosphere of
separation, of fasting and praying, with worship, while you are asking God
questions, you will receive unparalleled answers.
Isaiah 30:29-30 says, “You shall have a song in the night as when a holy
solemnity is kept… then the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard…”
An atmosphere of worship will assist your questioning.
One of the problems we have is that we come to God under tension: “O Lord,
why am I where I am now? I need to know. Tell me!” You will not hear anything
in such an atmosphere.
Imagine someone going to God to say, “Lord, all my friends are married, except
me. I have been going to church without a testimony; yet, new comers have been
testifying. Lord, where is my testimony? Lord, tell me now! What do you want
me to do?” The next thing that happens is that the person begins to ‘blow’ in
tongues – praying under annoyance – and nothing happens. This is one sole
reason for not hearing from God.
We ought to go to God giving Him praise and saying to Him, “Lord, I know
there is always a solution.” Worship Him. Let that excitement be in you. Under
that atmosphere, it will not take long before the answer comes.
4. The night season
Psalms 16:7 says, “I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins
also instruct me in the night seasons.”
When you separate yourself, pray and fast and surround yourself with worship,
you may wake up one to two hours in the middle of the night to worship God
and ask Him questions for direction. If you do that, His light will flood your
spirit and you can listen at the same time. If, indeed, you receive nothing, you
can sleep with expectation and you will wake up with a revelation.
5. Meditation
Take the time to think. Ask and think. Ask and wait. Think on the Word and
think on the solution you need.
In the tenth chapter of Acts, Peter saw a vision while he was fasting and praying.
A vessel was let down from heaven with all manner of four-footed beasts. And
he heard a voice that said, “Arise, Peter, kill and eat.” And he said, I have never
eaten anything that is unclean. It has never crossed my mouth before. It repeated
three times and it went back to heaven; and Peter was confused. But in the
nineteenth verse, the Bible says, “As Peter thought on the vision, the Holy Ghost
God speaks to people who think, not people who worry.
There is a difference between the two. As Peter thought on the vision, the Holy
Ghost said… If you are reading this book and you are ready to obey and practice
what God is saying to you, then get ready, the Holy Ghost is about to say
something to you. The direction you are looking for has already arrived.
If God gave me direction into Ministry and I have not failed, He will give you
direction into your destiny and you will not fail.
If God gave me direction into marriage and I have not failed, He will give you
direction into marriage and you will not fail, in the Name of Jesus.
You do not need to be a prophet to hear God. All you need is to be a child of
God. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice…”
Because you have come in contact with this work of grace, I prophesy to you