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And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his
eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming. Genesis 24:63
Those who give themselves to meditation discover that everything changes when
they lift up their eyes.
God Almighty knew the importance and the power of meditation. That is why he
instructed Joshua to give meditation a priority of place.
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt
have good success. – Joshua 1:8
This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate
on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written
in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal
wisely and have good success. – Joshua 1:8 – The Amplified Bible
The instruction was simple: Meditate in the Book of the Law day and night and
you will make your ways successful.
Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for
they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy
testimonies are my meditation. Psalms 119:98-99
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to
make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2Timothy
It was given as charge to Timothy that the Holy Scripture makes wise.
1. Meditation is the act of thinking God’s Word.
2. Meditation is allowing God’s Word to occupy your thoughts deliberately.
3. Meditation is mental focus on the Word of God.
4. Meditation is reasoning the Word of God.
You have to understand that how you think determines how you live. What you
think determines how you live. Your thoughts control your life. Your thoughts
determine your results.
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: – Proverbs 23:7
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs
What goes into your mind determines what
flows out of your life. What goes through your mind determines what flows out
of your life.
Please note that those who think negatively, live negatively. Those who think
positively, live positively. Those who think failure live as failures. Those who
think success live successfully. Those who think like God live like God over
circumstances on the earth. That is why the best thing that can happen to anyone
is to think God’s Word.
To allow the Word of God – the Word of victory, the Word of success, the Word
of preservation, the Word of deliverance, the Word of dominion, the Word of
hope, the Word of expectation – to dominate the bulk of your mind, is the best
thing that can happen to you. It is the secret of wisdom.
The words of a person communicate the wisdom of the person. In the same vein,
the Word of God communicates the wisdom of God.
There are four things about the Word of God that are worthy of note:
1. God’s Word is God’s wisdom bank.
God’s Word is the bank of wisdom. You see, when someone answers a question
correctly, they say, “That is a wise person”. When elders are gathered and one of
them makes a sensible input, they say, ‘That is a wise speech”. The same way, to
contact God’s wisdom is to contact His Word – His wisdom bank.
2. God’s Word is the container of God’s thought pattern.
The way God thinks is contained in His Word. God’s Word is the container of
His thought pattern. And you know, the pattern of a person’s thinking is what
determines his wisdom. God’s Word is the container His thought pattern.
3. God’s Word communicates God’s decision-making process.
How does God make decisions? His Word shows us how. That is what wisdom is
all about. When you are confronted with a situation, what do you decide?
Many times in the Bible, we see Jesus surrounded by the Scribes and Pharisees
in an attempt to trap Him. They say, “This woman was caught in adultery…” But
all they want is to trap Him. He took a decision, and escaped their trap.
At another instance, they say, “Look at this coin; should we pay tax to Caesar or
not?” They wanted to trap Him. He escaped. God’s Word is the container that
communicates God’s decision-making process.
4. God’s Word gives solutions to life’s challenges.
Yes, the Word of God gives practical solutions to life’s challenges. That is what
wisdom is all about – solution to problems. God’s Word gives solutions to life’s
So, when you are in touch with the Word of God, you are in touch with the
wisdom of God. When you are in touch with the Word of God, you are in touch
with the way God thinks – the thought pattern of God. When you are in touch
with the Word of God, you are in touch with the way God makes decisions.
When you are in touch with the Word of God, you are in touch with solutions to
life’s problems – financial, marital, etc.
God’s Word shows you how to be a husband, a wife, a pastor, an employee, and
an employer. His Word shows you how to serve as well as how to be a boss. His
Word has the solution to every puzzle in your life.
There are two basic things that will happen to you when you think God’s Word.
The first is that it is impossible for you to be a fool, thinking God’s Word.
The second is that it is impossible for you to fail, thinking God’s Word.
When you meditate on God’s Word, what do you meditate on? And how do you
meditate? There are three basic keys to meditation.
1. Meditate for life.
Remember that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that
proceeds from the mouth of God. You meditate on the Word for life in order to
live. Take in the Word. Chew the Word. Masticate the Word in order to be alive.
If you remember to eat physical food, you must remember to eat spiritual food
on a daily basis. It is a diet that guarantees your destiny.
When you swallow raw beans or corn, it comes out in the faeces undigested. It
profits you nothing. But when it is well cooked and is taken into the stomach, it
undergoes the process of digestion. Following digestion is the assimilation of
nutrients. And that profits you everything.
Meditation is a spiritual digestion process. Do not just read the Word, also think
on it: “What is this Word saying to me? What do I do about these things? What
is my responsibility?” When you ask these questions and act on them, the Word
will profit you. If you study without knowing what to do about it, it profits you
After you have looked into God’s Word, you must ask yourself, “What does God
expect me to do with what I have read? What will I do to get the results I need?”
You must meditate on the Word on a daily basis. You do not just have to read
through it and that is all. No! You should have a phrase, a passage, an utterance,
a statement, to keep on the table of your heart. Then think them throughout the
day. That is meditation.
2. Meditate for progress.
What this implies is that you settle down with the Word of God. Be frank with
yourself: “This is where I am now. What do I need to do to move from where I
am to the next level?”
You see, beloved, there is a time to pray; and there is a time to sit down and
think. There is a time to pray and there is a time to sit down and reason.
Praying without wisdom is dying without knowing. Sit down and think the Word
on your situation. Meditate!
A pastor might be saying, “What do I do to move this church to the next level?”
Simple! Sit down and find out your responsibility as a pastor from the Word of
God. Apply yourself. Meditate. Look into the Scriptures. Get a Bible
concordance. Get a chain reference. Look at all the passages that tell you about
moving from where you are to where you want to be. Meditate!
3. Meditate for solution
Get involved in solution-oriented meditation. As you think on God’s Word, you
can take up a very difficult issue and break it down.
For instance, you can say, “All the time, there is no peace between my husband
and me. What are the causes of the problem? What makes him angry? What
makes him disdain me?” Sit down and outline them. Then, under the atmosphere
of the Spirit of God, begin to pray, “Holy Spirit, I am here to receive answer. I
am here to receive direction. I am here to receive solution.” Continue to write it
down: “What does he hate? What does he like? So, what can I do to avoid
further problems?” Pick up each issue and handle it by meditation.
Meditation is not worry. There is a big difference.
Worry is problem-centred thinking. Meditation is solution-centred thinking.
There are people who think, but their thoughts are worry, anxiety, pressure, and
tension. They keep on analyzing how terrible the problem is, and how it cannot
be solved. But meditation is solution: There must be a way out. The Bible says,
“There has no temptation overtaken you except that which is common to man,
and God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are
able. But with every temptation he will make a way out”(1Corinthians 10:13,
paraphrased). You have to ask yourself, “Where is the way out?” and you think
and break it down.
If the devil has ever cheated you out of life with worry,
I prophesy to you from today, that you are moving from the realm of worry to
the realm of meditation. Every difficult problem in your life will be dissolved as
you meditate on the Word of God.