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1. Be a generous giver. Give first out of a genuine heart of concern to
contribute the value someone else needs up front.
2. Deal in 100% integrity. Do what you say and what is right even if it means
you will suffer personal loss.
3. Work together in unity and collaboration with others that have a common
vision and not alone.
4. Never try to cover up your failures or faults, especially from those your
faults and failures affect the most. Own up to them and make amends.
5. Over deliver. Always try to go above and beyond the expectations others
may have by giving personal care and extraordinary value.
6. Help those that can’t help themselves. Be willing to invest in the lives of
others knowing that it is God that will cause an increase back to you.
7. Lead first by example and then by instruction and precept. Walk the walk
that you expect others to walk and show the way by your own actions.
8. Never try to manipulate, intimidate, coheres or force anyone to act against
their own conscience. If you cause someone to stumble, you will suffer too.
9. Be quick to forgive those that admit their failure and have no ability to
repay or make restitution for their error.
10. Never use deception, subterfuge, or any other form of corruption in your
business or personal life.
11. Don’t take what belongs to another without proper and agreed upon
compensation. Even taking undue advantage of a bad situation is evil.
12. Never condemn someone in judgment unless you have made sure that
you are also guiltless of any potential condemnation.
13. Let others praise you and your work rather than to praise yourself. It
means little or less than nothing when someone boasts in themselves.
14. Don’t ever run others down in the attempt to build yourself up. It rarely
works. And when you do it, you set yourself up for a fall.
15. When someone falsely maligns you, try to find a creative way to bless
them. It could turn a rival into an ally.
16. Always use accurate scales and measurements without trying to fudge to
your own advantage. Remember, God is always watching.
17. Respect old boundaries marked out from times past. They were put there
for reasons you may not understand or have knowledge of.
18. Don’t contradict the laws of nature set up by divine order. The natural
creation is a visible reflection of the invisible God.
19. Honor properly established authority and pray for their good and just
administration over the affairs of men so we might live our lives in peace.
20. Avoid usury or interest for debt. It could become a curse and lead to the
bondage of slavery or forced servitude.
21. Debt, bondage, slavery and sin are never suppose to be a permanent
condition. If this seems to be the case, it’s a sign or symptom of being cursed. Pray that God will grant repentance and send a kinsman redeemer.
22. Give of your first gains in gratefulness to God’s blessings. Giving begins
with honor and respect for where our blessings come.
Notice that these principles begin and end with giving. That’s because giving is
the key principle that unlocks all the first blessings of prosperity and freedom.
Giving also presupposes being in a position to be a blessing. And in order to be
blessed you need to be a blessing to others. And being in a position of blessing is
not something that can be faked. It’s no surprise that this conundrum is called a
catch 22. So if you truly desire to become a blessing to others, pray that God will
make a way. Some things just require divine intervention. To start, be thankful
that someone blessed you with this truth. And to be a blessing, turn around and
give this gift away to someone you know that could use it.
Be firmly rooted in the word of God and meditate on it day and night(Psalm 1:1-3)
Be generous-when one is generous to others, God will always put generous people their way.(Proverbs 11:25)
Pay tithes & offerings faithfully and diligently-this is the only part in the entire bible that God dares us to test Him(Malachi 3:10)
God’s wisdom and knowledge-When King Solomon asked for it,he became the richest and wisest in his time(2 Chronicles 1:10-12)
Fear God (Psalm 112:1-3)
Obedience to God –If they obey and serve Him,They shall spend their days in prosperity,And their years in pleasures.(Job 36:11.Isaiah 1:19)
Seek the kingdom of God first and His righteousness(Mathew 6:33)
Be a giver -stingy people rarely get prosperous and when they do, it is short-lived(2 Cor 9:6,Philippians 4:15-19)
Serve God-when you take care of God’s business, He will ensure that your business is well taken care of(Psalm 35:27,Job 36:11)
Pray and Intercede for others-let not our prayers be all about ‘Me,Myself and I'(Job 42:10-15)