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Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Proverbs 8:33
The way of instruction is one of the highways of wisdom. Instruction will supply
information; and information applied is what is called wisdom. A person of
limited instruction is a person of limited wisdom.
A fool despiseth his father’s instruction: but he that regardeth reproof is prudent.
Proverbs 15:5
The hatred of instruction is the mark of foolishness. It is the identity of a fool.
Anyone who does not like to be taught is a confirmed fool. Someone has said,
“If you want to hide anything from a fool, put it inside a book; because he will
not open it”. The Bible says, “Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get
wisdom; and with all thy getting, get understanding”(Proverbs 4:7). That means
instruction is a principal part of life.
Below are four examples of people who became wise by instruction.
1. Solomon
Ecclesiastes 1:13 says, “And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom
concerning all things that are done under heaven…” Solomon gathered
information. No wonder he was one of the wisest men of his days.
2. Daniel
Daniel 9:2 says, “…I understood by books…” He was one of the wisest men in
Babylon. He was a man of books.
3. Jesus Christ
Luke 2:46 says, “And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the
temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them
questions.” This shows that our Master, Jesus, was a man that gave Himself over
to instruction.
Jesus Christ is the embodiment of wisdom. What was it He wanted to hear
again? What question was He asking that He did not have the answer to? He
confirmed that He was the wisest man that ever existed. Anyone who cannot sit
down to learn and ask questions is a confirmed fool.
4. Paul the Apostle was a man of wisdom. Look at what Peter said concerning
Paul in the Book of 2Peter 3:15, “…even as our beloved brother Paul also
according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you.” Paul was a man
of wisdom; and by his wisdom, he was a writer.
You cannot be knowledgeable and not be marketable.
Now, what was the secret of Paul? 2Timothy 4:13 says, “The cloke that I left at
Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but
especially the parchments.”
Paul was in prison, and while there, he sent for books and his diary. No wonder
he existed among the wise.
The way of instruction is one of the highways of wisdom. Wisdom makes a
man’s face to shine and the boldness of his countenance is increased.
Every trace of foolishness in your life, I curse it to die from its root, in the Name
of Jesus.
What are the products of instruction? What will instruction do for you?
Knowledge is in levels. When your level changes, your result changes. If you
know better, you will move further.
1. When you rub minds with wiser people, you sharpen your mentality.
True. When you rub your blunt mind with wiser minds, it sharpens your
mentality. Iron sharpens iron. Wisdom sharpens wisdom. Mind sharpens mind.
2. Quality information provokes quality decisions.
Many of us have made terrible mistakes in time past. You made a decision that
was a wrong decision. Why did you make such a decision? It was because of the
level of information you had.
Everyone behaves to the best of their knowledge. If you know better, you will
behave better. Quality information determines quality decisions. Quality
decisions will provoke quality actions, and quality actions will bring about
quality outcomes. If all a person does is perfect, that person is acting from some
realm of information and revelation. He makes decisions, the decisions become
actions and the actions become outcomes.
You will never make any dumb mistake again! In the Name of Jesus.
3. Secrets are discovered from searches.
Someone once said that the secrets of people are in their stories. When you listen
to a message, you can get some of the secrets of the preacher from the things he
says. When you read a book, you can get some of the secrets of the author.
When you ask, “Why is this man always able to deal with the devil? Why is he
never poor or stranded? How is it that he does not quarrel with his wife at all?
What is his secret?” When you expose yourself to the information coming from
that person, you will know some of the things he does that you do not do. When
you make his secret your secret, you will make his success your success.
The reason why so many people remain at the same level is that, for a whole
year, they do not open a book. For six months, they do not play a tape. They are
left alone to their level of knowledge and understanding. So they keep on
making the same mistakes and terrible blunders throughout life.
The secrets of men are in their stories. When you connect with instruction, you
make discovery. When you make searches, you see secrets.
4. Instruction gives light, and light handles darkness.
Nothing handles darkness like light and nothing handles insult like insight.
Something you read from one book can end your barrenness forever. One
revelation you hear from a tape can deliver you from satanic operation for life;
just because you got the light. In the course of instruction, illumination is
released. And by the release of that illumination, darkness dies. Crying from
place to place never saved anyone. Begging for prayer has never saved anyone.
God says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come.” When your light comes, you
must rise; and when you rise, you must shine. That is the place of instruction.
5. Knowledge brings progress; illumination brings acceleration.
If you know beyond what you know now, you will move beyond where you are
now. Anywhere you find yourself in life now, spiritually, financially and
otherwise, is because of what you know now. If you know better, you will move
Never enter a meeting, a conference, a seminar, or a church, without a pen and
paper; except you do not know how to read and write.
If someone who had an OND Accounting, studies and becomes a Chartered
Accountant, it is absolutely impossible for the office to keep him at the OND
accountant level. His level of information has changed, so his level in the office
must change. He will be moved to a new level, because knowledge enforces
progress. If you know better, you move further.
If you know and you are not moving, it means you do not know it yet. The man
who has been in a storm knows it better than the man who just saw it afar. The
man who saw it from afar also knows it better than the man who only read it in a
Knowledge is in levels. When your level changes, your result changes. The
moment I knew more things about the healing Ministry, I began to see more
miracles than I saw before. The moment I knew more, I saw more. Knowledge
will definitely bring progress.
1. Increase your knowledge about God.
Increase in the knowledge of God is the foundation for any other knowledge.
Increase in the knowledge of God will produce results in your life. Daniel 11:32
says, “…the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”
Increase your knowledge of the Word of God and your rights in God. Everything
in the world has a root in the Bible. Whether it is financial prosperity, leadership,
government or success, whatever you call it, every one of them is written in the
Bible. The knowledge of the Word of God is the beginning of all other
knowledge. Daniel was ten times better than his contemporaries were; because
he was connected to the knowledge of God.
2. Increase your knowledge of what you do for a living.
If you are a doctor, increase your knowledge in medical practice. If you are a
lawyer, improve your legal knowledge. If you are a pastor or preacher, increase
your knowledge of the Word of God. That is wisdom.
In the first Book of Kings, the ninth chapter and the twenty-seventh verse, the
king was going to send some people overseas. But you see, it takes those who
have knowledge of the sea to be sent overseas. The Bible says, “And Hiram sent
in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the
servants of Solomon.”
You see, you cannot be knowledgeable and not be marketable. It is wisdom for
you not just to be a tailor or mechanic, but to be one who knows it better than
anyone else. It is wisdom for you to increase your knowledge of what you do for
a living.
3. Increase your knowledge in your area of challenge.
Any area of life where you are challenged, determine to search the Scriptures in
that area. Look for books on that matter. Look for tapes on the issue. Read, study
on it, until light comes. Then, arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is risen
upon you.
4. Be humble enough to learn from those who know more than you do.
Realize that it takes humility to be instructed. Be humble enough to submit to the
instruction of whoever God will choose to use. There are times that, the person
you do not like is the person God uses to teach you. God used grass to speak to
Moses. He used the donkey to speak to Balaam.
Identify people who know what you want to know. Identify people who know
more than you do and connect with them. That is the place of association.
Identify and learn from someone who does well in what you want to do.
5. Learn from the Masters.
Learn from experts. Seek to learn from those who have proofs. I read books a lot
but not every book. Many people read books that are not relevant to their
destiny; books from people who have no proofs of what they say.
Do you want to be a software architect? Read from Bill Gates. Are you into
investment? Look for Warren Buffet. What about property and real estate? Look
for Donald Trump. Are interested in church growth, read Dr David Yongi Cho.
What of faith and financial prosperity, read Bishop David Oyedepo. Just find out
someone who is an authority in the area where you seek to be an authority. Settle
down and learn from them. Let them instruct you. Do you want to learn of
healings, signs and wonders? Look for those who have similar Ministries.
Do not look for a man who slaps his wife to teach you marriage.
Any blindness of the mind restricting you from receiving what God has for you,
I curse it, in the Name of Jesus.
That distaste for knowledge and lack of appetite for instruction, I curse it to die
in your life, in the Name of Jesus.
Right now, I release upon you hunger- fresh hunger – for knowledge and
instruction. Receive it now, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.